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A few weeks back, I got some flyers for upcoming tent sales at Rick's and Dover. I couldn't make Rick's, but Dover was doable. I called up A. and we both took the day off from work. It was that serious.

We left my house at 7:30, hit the Wawa (of course), and got to Dover by 9 AM. The selection wasn't really what I expected, but I don't think I knew what I should expect. They had a ton of show coats, bridles, and leather stuff in boxes outside, and inside was more people clothes, saddle pads, and grooming stuff. I tried on Tailored Sportsmans for the first time, only to discover that I hate them, which is actually a relief. I got out of there for about $50 with a mini-haul.

  • white dressage pad with black trim

  • pink Kerrits short-sleeve 1/4 zip shirt

  • pack of tack-cleaning sponges

Unfortunately, the black show coat with glittery pink lining didn't fit. C'est la vie. A. got a bucket and a bunch of barn supplies in purple, her chosen color, since the stuff she's currently using doesn't match. I can support that struggle.

Since we were close, we decided to check out Horsemen's Outlet, which neither of us had been to but I'd heard good stuff about it. After driving into increasingly rural areas and convinced the GPS was lying, we finally turned a corner and found a stupid-huge warehouse in the middle of a field packed to the gills with horse gear.

Essentially, Valhalla.

I could have spent hours in there, but settled for only one. And, of course, a saddle pad. I grabbed a *GASP* aqua PRI all-purpose pad to match a Noble Equine polo I got a while back. I don't know what came over me, buying non-pink items.

Since it was only noon, we celebrated our spoils in the most appropriate way: wine at an outdoor bar, of course.

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