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So I rode without stirrups...


As a part of following Denny Emerson's advice, I'm trying to develop an independent seat. Step one was to drop my sitrrups about halfway through my ride. I crossed them over the front, which was probably dumb, retrospectively. I need to be better before I do that.

In the words of Lauren Sprieser, I was absolutely "a clothespin on a bowling ball," and it was hideous. Dancer's ears were wiggling all over with that "What the actual fuck are you doing up there" expression, and it took a decent chunk of time before I felt like I had a decent, steady, sitting trot. It did come, though.

I shouln't have tried to post, though. I didn't eat dirt, but it would have been deserved.

I feel like my leg is in a good place, but instead of balancing myself with muscle control, I'm just gripping. This has to change, so I've decided to take some steps.

  1. Ride without stirrups for at least 10 minutes of every ride doing the exercises George Morris uses.

  2. Ask Rose to put me on the lunge for part of my lesson. (When I start taking them again. Ugh.)

  3. Ride bareback with H.; she's a sticky thing and she'll help. (I just bought a bareback pad to save Dancer and I from myself.)

  4. Practice dropping and recovering my stirrups in 5 strides at all gaits. I feel like this is pretty damn imperative.

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