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So I Ordered a Pony Box...

Have you heard of these things? I'll admit, the ad on the side of Facebook looked a lot like some online horse game, but when I finally clicked it...

Essentially, they took all the awesome crafty stuff horse people on Instagram make and decided to do curated boxes of custom stuff in a monthly subscription. And I love me some crafty horse stuff, but this ish is expensive. Like $35, for the Mini Box, which is the smallest offer, and $75 for the Ultimate Box. Um, nope.

But then I saw these. And things changed.

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These boots are in the December box, and they're a set of four. So I bought the middle-level box (The Pony Box of the company's name) for $50, and specified that I want the boots on the top right. That's what my freelance money is for, right?

I regret nothing except that I have to wait until December 15th.

(And especially not that I pre-ordered a matching saddle pad!)

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