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Starter Trial!

Two weeks ago, Dancer and I went to a Starter Trial. I've always wanted to get up in that eventing scene, so I jumped at the chance. Yay jumping over things and looking pretty at shows and ribbons!

But, you know, I don't really jump. Haven't had a lesson in over a decade. Don't know if Dancer has ever had a lesson. Don't have a jumping saddle. Haven't ridden in irons for a solid eight years. What's a "counting strides?"

Oh, and I registered for the show less than three weeks out.

I managed to fit in two dressage lessons between registration and the actual show, but as it got closer, I did start to worry a little bit. All riding aside, how the hell do you pack for a horseshow? Endurance ride and packing for the pony, no problem, but a show is another beast. Dancer's gear was neatly stored in the back of my truck, several meals included, but I wasn't really sure what do with my stuff. Do I need a show shirt? (Yes.) With a collar? (I skipped it.) Jodhpurs? (Yes.) Do my white ones still fit? (No.)

It was a lot of night-before trying on, swearing, and looking for the garment bag. I never found it and used a trashbag instead.

Morning of was a little chaoitic, too. Dancer ate breakfast, got her tail shampooed in our new, AMAZING heated wash stall, ate breakfast, got her mane braided, put up a fuss halfway through, ate breakfast, got her braids finished, and ate breakfast. Essentially, it went exactly her way.

Until we got to the show, of course. I'll post more about it tomorrow! (Waiting on pictures!)

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